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The information on the websites of Consumedix BV has been compiled with care and information often comes from third parties. This information is not intended to provide medical or diagnostic advice, but is merely a source of general information intended for laboratory professionals, physicians, veterinarians and other medical professionals. Neither diagnostic nor therapeutic value can be derived from the information provided. Consumedix BV and/or its subsidiaries are not liable for the accuracy, completeness or effectiveness of the information texts, descriptions of diagnostics, treatment methods or other information provided on this website. The use of information from this website is entirely at the user's risk.

Copyright 2007-2022
All information and images offered on this website are subject to copyright and therefore none may be used by third parties without direct written permission from Consumedix BV unless otherwise indicated in the text on certain pages of this website.

This website contains links to websites operated by parties other than Consumedix BV or subsidiaries. Such links are provided solely as a convenience to the user. Consumedix BV has no control over these websites and is not responsible or liable for the information, products or services offered on them, or any resulting damage.

Consumedix BV excludes any liability for all damage, direct and indirect damage, arising from or related to the use of information or services offered via this website. Any questions about your health should be answered at your own discretion. doctor to discuss. You should discuss questions about the health of your animal with your veterinarian.